Thursday, December 26, 2013

Breast Reduction: Things for Savage MN Residents to Consider

Breast reduction is the removal of skin and tissue in order to reshape and resize the breasts. There are many reasons Savage MN residents would consider this surgery. And, while there are always risks with any surgery, breast reduction has many benefits too. Richard S. Werner, M.D. has a few benefits for you to consider when thinking about breast reduction. Savage MN residents (and those in the surrounding areas) can contact our office any time to discuss this surgery.

For one thing, breast reduction surgery can enhance a Savage MN resident's physical and mental well-being. It can improve a person's confidence and self-esteem, and it can even help improve the quality of one's shopping life! After breast reduction, most people report that shirts, dresses, jackets and blouses fit better, and they have more options when shopping out and about in Savage MN. There are several physical benefits to breast reduction as well. You will be able to participate in more athletic activities in and around Savage MN. And that can lead to an increase in physical and cardiovascular health and well-being. It can also help alleviate depression and can increase a person's social life and contact with others.

Did you know that breast reduction can also help with problems like chronic headaches and sleep and breathing difficulties? Some insurance companies will even cover the cost of the surgery if it's medically necessary, like for the reasons just mentioned.

There are many pros and cons to a surgery like breast reduction. An experienced plastic surgeon like Richard S. Werner, M.D. can help Savage MN residents weigh those pros and cons and come to a decision that is best for you. Why not give our office a call at (952) 929-1812 or contact us online? One of our knowledgeable staff members will be in touch with you to set up your free consultation.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tummy Tucks: A History from a Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery procedures might seem relatively new, but the practice dates back 4,000 years, where it became common in ancient India, before spreading to other parts of the world, including the Greek and Roman empires.

One of the newer plastic surgeries is abdominoplastys, commonly referred to as tummy tucks. As a provider of tummy tucks in Minneapolis, we’re well versed in how these procedures work, thanks to over 30 years of performing them. The history of tummy tucks, however, dates back many, many years before that.

Tummy tucks: The beginning …
Abdominoplasty procedures first came about in the late 19th Century, and were used to help alleviate enormous umbilical hernias that caused large skin flaps. These skin flaps were excised in order to fix the umbilical hernias.

The removal of skin flaps and the increase to the patient’s appearance quickly garnered attention – along with other forms of body contouring – and the procedure continued to gain attention through the early 20th Century.

The first tummy tuck
The first tummy tuck (then called a “dermolipectomy”) was performed in 1890 by two French doctors. In the United States, the first tummy tuck was done a few years later at John’s Hopkins in Baltimore, and the procedure was called a “transverse abdominal lipectomy.” However, the incisions were done in a transverse manner, which was followed by the abdominal pannus being removed. This caused the patient to lose their belly button.

In 1905, two French doctors performed the first successful abdominal lipectomy that kept the belly button intact, and four years later, a German doctor used vertical and horizontal flap incisions so belly button removal was avoided.

Advancement of tummy tucks
Plastic surgery is considered to have advanced considerably over the rest of the 20th Century, thanks in part to proper sterilization and anesthesia techniques. Thus, patients were allowed to take advantage of advances in cosmetic surgery technology.

Today, tummy tucks are performed to help remove larger C-section scars, tighten abdominal muscles, remove excess abdominal skin and properly place the belly button.

Looking for a Minneapolis tummy tuck surgeon? Call Dr. Richard S. Werner MD today at 952-929-1812 or Click Here to Request a Free Consultation.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Plastic Surgery in Shakopee for the Perfect Beach Body

Do you have a big vacation planned for this summer? Do you wish your body was more sculpted? Then we have the perfect solution for you! Plastic surgery can get you looking trim and toned in no time. If you're a resident of Shakopee, plastic surgery can be a perfect option. Richard S. Werner, M.D. offers a wide variety of plastic surgeries, so whatever you want to focus on before you hit the waves, we've got you covered.

A liposuction surgery can help to tighten and tone many parts of the body. Some examples are: stomach, thighs, cheeks and more. If there is one part that you would like to focus on, then you can just get liposuction done on that one area, but the most dramatic results are found when you have multiple areas of your body liposuctioned. Living near Shakopee, plastic surgery provides you with the opportunity to improve your image.

Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck is a procedure for those who have been pregnant, experienced an extreme weight loss or possess other more extreme reasons for a plastic surgery. Don't be embarrassed to go to the beach this year because of excess skin. Reclaim your body's appearance through this procedure. For those in Shakopee, plastic surgery can provide relief from the embarrassment of loose skin. If you've undergone an extreme weight loss, you should be able to show off your new body!

If you are ready to get that beach-ready body you've been dreaming of, call us today at 952-929-1812 or fill out our online form for a Free Cosmetic Consultation.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Truth About Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has been around for many years. But in more recent years, it has become more popular. However, with that popularity has come many conceptions about why people are choosing to have plastic surgeries done. And like many misconceptions, they are based in the unknown rather than fact. It is time to understand the truth about Minnetonka plastic surgery. Let’s begin with a few historic facts.

·         Plastic surgery has been around for centuries, in fact, it can be dated back to 800 B.C. when physicians in India used skin grafts to do reconstructive work.
·         A fifteenth century Islamic text entitled "Imperial Surgery" was written by Serafeddin Sabuncuoglu, and included material on maxillofacial surgery and eyelid surgery, as well as a procedure for the treatment of gynecomastia, which is believed to be the foundation for the modern method of surgical breast reduction.

·          In 1827, American Dr. John Peter Mettauer, performed the first cleft palate operation by using surgical instruments of his own design.
·         In 1904, Dr. William Stewart Halsted of Johns Hopkins, published “The Training of a Surgeon”, which laid the foundation for what was to become the prototype for all modern surgical training programs. 
·         In 1962, Dr. Thomas Cronin created and unveiled a new breast implant device, which was made from silicone. 
·         By the 1980s, plastic surgery began to be more accessible to mainstream America.
·         In 1998, President Bill Clinton signed a bill, which included a provision requiring insurance companies to cover the cost of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction surgery.
·         Since the mid-2000’s the number of plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide has increased by an average of 21% per year.

As one can see, plastic surgery has been around for quite some time, but there are still those who see it through critical eyes. If you are considering plastic surgery, but don’t want to “judged” or deemed shallow then arm yourself with the following facts regarding modern-day recipients of plastic surgery.
·         Plastic surgery is not just for women! Currently men represent 40% of the number of patients undergoing cosmetic surgery.
·         Plastic surgery is not just for the vain. Plastic surgery not only repairs damage due to illness or accident, but also helps people have a more positive self-image.
·         Recovery from plastic surgery is not long. Thanks to advances in medicine, recovering from a plastic surgery is not a long drawn out process. In fact, most people can expect to be back to normal activities within just a few weeks.
·         It is not dangerous to have a breast augmentation. No surgery is without risks, but in recent years, there has been much discussion about the supposed dangers of breast augmentation. However, since 2008, this has been the most popular plastic surgery performed by U.S. plastic surgeons.
·         Women do not need to be over 60 to have plastic surgery. There was once a belief that one needed to be over 60 in order to receive plastic surgery as by then they have undergone menopause. However, study has now revealed that women under 60 actual have much better results, i.e. a more natural appearance.
·         People will NOT know you have had plastic surgery. Once again, thanks to advances in modern medicine, a plastic surgeon knows how to make incisions that are difficult to see. The only time plastic surgery is more evident is if a person has had a considerable amount of work done in one area of the body.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Can Plastic Surgery Make Someone Look Younger?

It seems as though one rarely opens a magazine, turns on the television or peruses the Web without seeing someone who has had plastic surgery---especially if one is fond of reading or watching Hollywood entertainment material. However, that does not mean that plastic surgery is only for the rich and famous. In fact, plastic surgery in Savage MN also has a place in helping those people, who due to an injury or birth defect, want to correct their appearance. Regardless of why one might opt for plastic surgery, there is no denying it can change one’s opinion of self.

It is also a way to turn back the hands of time. In fact, a recent (2012) study by the University of Toronto and North Shore University Health System reported that plastic surgery could actually make a person look more than 8 years younger. The study was done by collecting data from 60 participants who had received aesthetic procedures. The participants were divided in to three categories-faces and neck lifts; face, neck and eyelid work; and eyelid, face, neck and forehead lifts.

To determine the effectiveness of the plastic surgery, 40 people were asked to guess the age of the participants by looking at before and after photographs. The researchers found the following:
  •  Photographs taken before the surgery were guessed to be an average of 1.7 years younger than they actually were.
  • Photographs of participants taken after all three types of plastic surgery were thought to be 8.9 years younger.
  • Those in the face and neck lift plastic surgery group were thought to be 5.7 years younger.
  • Those who had received a neck lift and eyelid work appeared 7.5 years younger
  • Those who had plastic surgery for their eyelids, face, neck, and forehead lifts were thought to be 8.5 years

With numbers like these, it is no wonder that so many people are considering plastic surgery! But, are these numbers due purely to the participants having plastic surgery? Dr. Chauhan, a plastic surgeon, points out that there is much more to looking younger than simply having plastic surgery. The study also showed that those participants who combined plastic surgery procedures with a healthy diet, ample hydration, regular physical activity, sun protection and an overall healthy lifestyle had the best numbers.

It should also be noted that when seeking to have plastic surgery, it is vital that one take their time in selecting a plastic surgeon. Be sure that whoever is chosen has a good reputation and keeps up with the latest in procedures, so that the results are everything desired.